2019-07-19 731
There is definitely no phenomenon of bubbles in the paint of a new car. Bubbles in car paint are only possible after the car has undergone innovative repainting. There are many reasons for blistering,
2019-07-09 685
With the development of society, the requirements of customers in the advertising industry are becoming higher and higher. Nowadays, customers require advertisements to be resistant to wind, sun, rain
2019-07-09 620
Water-based paintWater-based paint,水为主要稀释剂(水约占稀释剂的70%,还有其他制剂),不含有机无溶剂涂料、苯、甲苯、二甲苯、甲醛、游离TDI有毒重金属。无毒无刺激性气味,对人体无害,不污染环境,薄膜丰满,晶莹剔透,赋有弹性,具有防水、耐磨、耐老化、耐黄变、快干等特色。The above characteristics are very satisfactory
2019-07-09 716
广告油漆与轿车油漆都是咱们日常生活中经常能看见,不过我们触摸最多的估计是轿车油漆,那么他们两者具有哪些区别呢,让咱们来了解一下。 1、由于两者根本上都是野外运用,所以它们都运用丙烯酸性能来抵抗黄变油漆。而国内专业广告涂料制造商根本上没有。和他们共同的诉求是一样的,因此市场上根本上有大量广告涂料需求的工厂运用轿车漆作为广告漆。 2、轿车油漆色母体系是分为单组分1K体系和双组分2K体系,色彩分
2019-07-09 694
The exterior of a sedan is one of the most important parts of a vehicle, and it is inevitable that the vehicle will scratch and collide during driving. At this time, it is necessary to touch up the pa