What should be paid attention to when transporting car repair paint

2019-10-29 752

Due to the presence of a slightly flammable solvent near the paint coating, this paint is classified as a flammable liquid near hazardous materials. Automotive paint is also a type of paint, and it is obvious that automotive paint is a hazardous chemical that must be handled in accordance with the requirements of flammable liquids during transportation and storage.

Common car paints include baking paint, fluorocarbon metal paint, acrylic paint, and gloss varnish. These paints also contain a considerable amount of solvents, which evaporate and burn easily or explode, posing significant risks. Especially since the transportation of car paint is mostly in large quantities, it is impossible to simply find a car to transport it. According to the law, dangerous goods transportation must be carried out by enterprises with dangerous goods transportation qualifications. If not, once caught, the punishment will be severe. And during the storage of car paint, it is necessary to stay away from ignition and heat sources; Especially during transportation, do not be rough and avoid collisions or delays; Using professional dangerous goods vehicles for transportation; During vehicle transportation engineering, paint buckets should be fixed, stacked neatly, and moving at a uniform speed.


During the loading and unloading process of paint, it is important to stay away from high temperature points such as ignition and heat sources. When loading, be careful and avoid rough behaviors such as collisions, delays, and conflicts.

2. The paint bucket cannot be inverted, and the bucket mouth should be placed upwards; Stacking should be organized, and after loading and unloading, the paint should be fixed with a mesh cover.

3. When loading and stacking multiple layers, cushions should be used to separate the layers and fix the paint barrels

4. When unloading, do not roll down the paint bucket, place it in a violent conflict to cause sparks, and avoid severe collisions to prevent the paint bucket from splitting

5. The number of transport vehicles should comply with explosion-proof standards, and do not stop or brake suddenly during the journey to prevent paint from colliding and splitting.

6. Fire extinguishers, straps, etc. should be carried in the vehicle, and conflicting paint should not be carried.

Article source: Automotive repair paint http://www.jinliangxincai.com