Qingyuan Automobile Repair Paint Manufacturer Tells You About Color Space

2020-08-19 556

The purpose of color spectrum has always been to be friends with colors, making colors realistic and consistent. In that case, we need to achieve two aspects. How to define colors and quantify colors. Handle colors.

Today we will talk about the definition and quantification of color.

Color space: RGB

As early as 1704, Newton's essence of color was light; In 1854, Glassman summarized the law of Glassman color mixing; In 1855, Maxwell proposed the mixing of red, green, and blue light to generate various colors.

So can the three colors of red, green, and blue be combined to create all colors?

This question depends on whether all colors can be split into combinations of red, red, yellow, and blue. Can the addition of red, yellow, and blue light generate all the colors that humans can perceive?

Then the scientists began various experiments and ultimately found that the answer was: yes, but also no.


Test on "Chromaticity Characteristics of Spectral Colors"

After testing and obtaining the spectrum of a specific color, the intensity value of each wavelength of the color is known, which is equivalent to the intensity value of the three primary colors (RGB).

In this way, there is a ratio of RGB three primary colors that is equivalent to this specific spectrum.

This ratio can be used to roughly quantify colors.

The ratio after normalization is called the chromaticity coordinate.

In this way, all colors in nature that can be distinguished by the human eye. You can use this method to quantify the colors that you can distinguish. Although color can also be described (only) using spectral curves, but! From 780nm to 380nm, the quantity is huge and very non intuitive!

This naming method is unrealistic. So, not all colors can be split into combinations of red, red, yellow, and blue.

Article source: Qingyuan Automotive Repair Paint http://www.jinliangxincai.com/