Advantages of water-based marking paint

2020-03-24 608

With the vigorous promotion of environmental protection by the country, various industries are promoting and innovating their products, and water-based paint products are also constantly improving. From the original construction of water-based coatings, to home decoration water-based coatings, and then to industrial water-based coatings, the product system of water-based coatings is constantly expanding and expanding. Advertising and labeling products have launched water-based advertising and labeling coatings, helping the advertising and labeling industry with green spraying and environmentally friendly construction!


The water-based advertising logo paint has undergone strict testing by the National Third Party Paint Testing Center, and its coating performance is no lower than the original oily automotive paint quality. Its adhesion on stainless steel, galvanized sheet, aluminum sheet, and iron sheet is below level 1 and meets national standards; 1000 hours of xenon lamp aging test, no powdering, bubbling, falling, or cracking phenomenon; Salt spray resistant for 360 hours, without powdering, foaming, falling, or cracking.

In terms of VOC emissions, water-based advertising signage paint meets the national standard emissions, and the VOC emissions requirements for the national standard primer< 75g/L, National Standard for VOC Emission Requirements< 100g/L, national standard VOC emission requirements for topcoat< 150g/L; Vantech water-based primer, intermediate coat, and topcoat are< 24g/L,< 61g/L,< 64g/L, fully meeting the requirements of national environmental regulations and passing various SGS tests.

The application of water-based paint is also simple and easy to operate, and the construction process is consistent with that of oil-based paint, ensuring good construction performance. Some water-based products can only be stored for three months or six months, while Vantech's water-based paint can be stored for up to a year, making it easy to store.

In terms of quality, environmental protection emissions, construction operations, and storage time, Wante water-based advertising and identification paint is superior to similar products, truly meeting the requirements of water-based replacing oil-based, and contributing to the environmental protection industry.

Article source: Qingyuan Automotive Repair Paint