Experience of Automotive Repair Paint

2019-07-24 660

As the saying goes, unexpected things happen, and driving on the road is the same. There are inevitably bumps and bumps, and when such work happens, as car owners, in order to maintain the beauty of their cars, they have to pay for their beauty. But are we spending money together to understand the common sense of car paint repair? Next, let Qingyuan Jinliang introduce you to the professional car paint repair experience!

Firstly, regarding car paint, the vast majority of international commercial cars are made of steel shells. In order to prevent embroidery and aesthetics, car paint is indispensable. Let's talk about paint first.

Car paint

Car paint一般都是烘烤漆。车厂里边,车架、车壳焊接完结(有时还会进行手工修补)后,下一道工序便是上漆。一般来说,首先是底漆。将光车壳浸入糖浆 般的漆槽,取出烘干底漆;然后送人无尘车间,用静电喷漆工艺喷上面漆。然后用200度左右的温度烘干。讲究点的,还会再上一层清漆。这样,油漆工艺就功德圆满了。一般面漆有几种:一般漆;金属漆;珠光漆。一般漆就不用说了,树脂、颜料和添加剂。金属漆多了铝粉;所以完结今后看上去亮。珠光漆呢,参加的是云母粒。云母是很薄的一片片的东西,因而,反光有方向性,就有了色彩斑斓的效果。如果是金属漆加上清漆层,车的油漆看上去就很亮,很漂亮。色彩上呢,白色无疑最廉价。打个比方,国际一流品牌红颜料比国际一流品牌钛白粉大约贵25倍;而白色油漆里钛白粉的用量是红颜料的5倍左右。因而,红油漆用在色彩上的成本就比白油漆高了5倍。这便是为什么有些国产车色彩种类那么少的原因:简单,且成本低。


No matter what color of paint, its pigments will fade in sunlight. In fact, not only the car paint, but any colorful items may fade in the bright sun. At this point, the additives added to the paint become very important. For example, light stabilizers, antioxidants, etc. Unfortunately, good additives are very expensive. Many times, the quality of additives determines how this paint feels. People will definitely think that a paint that starts to show significant fading in 2 years is worse than a paint that is as shiny as new in 5 years. But in reality, there is no paint that does not fade. Many times, the factory places more emphasis on evenly fading the color. Try to avoid color differences in different parts of the car.

The simplest damage to a new car is the paint. Careless car washing can cause damage to the car paint. In fact, even when loading things on the production line, there is still work that damages the paint.

Generally small scratches, scratches on the paint surface, and the scars turn white. That's because the paint has been scratched on the surface. There is no need to touch up the paint. Lightly, use sand wax to beat or many times to beat the wax. Heavy, just a polishing is enough. More seriously, the color of the lower layer of primer can be seen (many times, the primer is dark). So, please take a look at the area of the scar again. Generally speaking, the bumper, rearview mirror, and some car wheel arches are made of engineering plastic. It will not rust. Apart from ugliness, there is no major problem. It doesn't matter whether the paint is patched or not. Other things, then we need to repaint the car. Otherwise, even if it is a small damage, the steel plate will start to rust. By then, even repainting will be difficult to prevent rust.

Article source: Automotive repair paint http://www.qyjlxc.com